Bai Ji Guan, one of the four renowned bushes of Yancha, is also known in English as White Cockscomb, due to the shape of its whitish fuzzy buds, which make them look like cockscomb, and it is for this same reason, that it might be the most recognizable out of the four varieties, when seen on the bush.
Our 2020 Bai Ji Guan has a tea soup that is both elegant and gentle, with the traditional Chinese medicine herbal note that is typically associated with this variety, a conspicuous sweetness, a delicate floral fragrance, and a long aftertaste.
If you are interested in tasting the other three varieties of the four renowned bushes, Shui Jin Gui, Tie Luo Han and Ban Tian Yao are also available on our website.
Bai Ji Guan 白鸡冠
-6% due to delayed shipment
Origin: Zhengyan zone >> Wuyi >> Fujian
Harvest: 2020
Toasting Level: medium light
From the 4th or 5th infusion it is recommended to increase the steeping time by several seconds in each infusion.