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Lao Pa Ka is a particular tradition of the Hani ethnic minority, found only in Jiangcheng County, Yunnan. In the Hani language, “Pa Ka” means “mature leaves.”


Lao Pa Ka is a unique tea for two reasons: its extra-mature harvest and its peculiar production process. Although it also uses mature leaves, Lao Pa Ka is completely different from Puerh Huang Pian because it is harvested in winter, usually in November, by collecting lignified mature leaves of the year. Unlike the Shaqing process of common Puerh, which is done in a wok, the Shaqing process of Lao Pa Ka is carried out in boiling water, using the high temperature of the water to break the enzymatic activity of the fresh leaves. The leaves are then left to dry, softened with steam to be shaped in bamboo tubes, and finally wrapped with strips of Gegen. Gegen is the root of Pueraria montana var. lobata, a medicinal herb with health benefits that can also be brewed together with the tea.


The mature harvest, along with the Shaqing process in boiling water, gives this very special tea a smooth and tranquil flavor profile, with abundant sweetness and a distinctive aroma.

2024 Lao Pa Ka 老帕卡

SKU: DP049
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  • Weight: ≥ 100g


    Harvest: 2024 winter.


    Origin: Jiangcheng >> Pu’er >> Yunnan


    Launch Date: February 6th, 2025

  • Gongfu Style:


    Rinse; steep for 30 seconds to 3 minutes, depending on preferred strength.


    To Boil:

    5g for 300ml of water

    Bring the water to a boil, add tea and reduce to low heat; keep at a simmer and add boiling water or hot water each time half of the liquor is consumed.

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