Fu-Zhuan, also known as Fu brick, is one of the three Zhuans (Hua-Zhuan, Hei-Zhuan & Fu-Zhuan) of Anhua’s Heicha. It is well known that Fuzhuan contains "golden flowers", which is a type of fungus (Eurotium cristatum) with health benefits. Due to the particular process of generating the "golden flowers", Fuzhuan is less tightly pressed than the other Zhuans, in order to leave a proper environment for the generation and growth of the fungus.
After a long term aging process, this 2009 Anhua Fuzhuan BG786 has developed a very mild taste, there is no longer anything aggressive in the amber tea soup, but only an apparent "golden flowers" aroma, a highlighted jujube like sweetness, together with a hint of malt note.
Aged Anhua Fuzhuan BG786
Harvest: 2008/2009/2010, 1st grade Hei Maocha
Origin: Anhua >> Hunan
Gongfu Style: 6-8g/100ml/100ºC/20-45s
Boiling in kettle: leaf/water ratio = 1:150, add tea leaves in when the water starts to bubble up, approx. 15 minutes over very slow fire.